HELiO | TRIPS Segment Order

HELiO | TRIPS Segment Order

This process outlined below applies to the following brands:
  1. Flight Centre
  2. Liberty Travel
  3. LDV
  4. Travel Associates
HELiO bookings sent to TRIPS will display in the order in which segments have been set in the HELiO Itinerary View. Before sending your HELiO booking to TRIPS, ensure you have set the correct order.

HELiO Itinerary View Order

When your quote or confirmed booking has been finalized, and you are ready to send it to TRIPS, click on Itinerary View in the top-right within HELiO.

In some cases, especially if segments cross the International Date Line, the itinerary view within HELiO will show out of order.
The Itinerary View in HELiO defines the order in which your segments are displayed in TRIPS.

Drag and drop your segments within the itinerary view to the correct order and click Apply.

You can continue sending your HELiO booking to TRIPS by following the HELiO to TRIPS process.
Any time additional booking segments have been added, review the Itinerary View to ensure the order is correct.

Additional Considerations
  1. Always use HELiO as the primary source for adding segments to ensure the correct itinerary order when re-pushing to Trips. We recommend that segments are not manipulated in Trip Publisher, as this enables manual ordering, and you will need to use the drag/drop functionality to place where desired.
  2. Any notes added will appear at the beginning of the itinerary, and linked notes will display following the segment. 
  3. Consultants can drag and drop segments to re-order within Trip Publisher; however, any subsequent updates from HELiO may skew the order. For any changes pushed via HELiO, you must check Trip Publisher to ensure ordering is as desired.

Suppose your TRIPS quote or itinerary contains multiple booking sources or merged itineraries. You may need to follow these instructions to order your TRIPS itinerary properly on the PDF and web view.

1. Drag and drop within Trip Publisher
  1. The ability to drag and drop segments freely within Trip Publisher without restriction is now available. 
NOTE: Manual ordering will be enabled once you drag and drop any HELiO component in Trip Publisher. For any changes pushed via HELiO, you must check Trip Publisher to ensure ordering is as desired. Reverting to HELiO Itinerary View ordering will not be possible if segments were previously manually moved.

2. Merged Trips in Trip Publisher 
  1. Chronological ordering will be used when two bookings are merged in Trip Publisher

Chronological Order


Select the Date (Chronological) option from the Order By dropdown if you prefer your itinerary segments to display in chronological order (instead of HELiO Itinerary View order). Once selected, refresh your browser window to update the display order of the segments.

Some segments from HELiO (e.g. transfer and car rental segments) are received with no specific pick-up or drop-off times and default to 12:00 AM. This causes the transfer to appear before the flights on the PDF. A time must be entered for these segments to display them correctly in order on the PDF. Edit the applicable segment and add an approximate time for this segment (after the flight arrival). Tick the "Display after the cross date line flight" if applicable.
  1. TIP: entering the same time for both Start and End time will hide the time from displaying on the PDF or Web View while allowing you to position the segment correctly.

More details about cross date line segments can be found in this article:
  1. Displaying Segments after the Cross Date Line Flight

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