Navigating the TRIPS Dashboard

Navigating the TRIPS Dashboard

The Dashboard is the landing page for the Trip Publisher and is where you can browse, filter, and search through your Trips.


Select My Current Trips, Trips Shared with Me, Company Trips, Other Company Trips, or My Past Trips.
  1. My Current Trips will display all active trips you have created (in progress and future trips displayed by default).
  2. Trips Shared With Me will display trips shared with you by other travel consultants or Suppliers via Collaboration.
  3. Company Trips will provide access to trips by other consultants in the same shop (if available).
  4. Other Company Trips will provide access to trips from other shops (if available).
  5. My Past Trips allows quick access to past trips that you've created.
Search through your Trips within the Dashboard by clicking the Filter icon beside the search bar.

Filter Trips by DateTrip Status or Date Created, or select All to browse all Trips. Use the search bar to refine even further by keyword or tag.
Active Trips (in progress and future-dated trips) are displayed by default.

View this article for complete details on Searching and Filtering Trips.
Mouse over the cover photo thumbnail of a Trip to scroll through a preview of its components.

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