Adding File Attachments to Segments

Adding File Attachments to Segments

PDF or Word files can be attached to any segment with a few clicks for easy access and visibility to your customers when viewing their itinerary online or via the mobile app.
Attachments are not encrypted. Sensitive data, such as copies of passports, etc., should not be added as file attachments to any Trip.

On a segment card, click View Details, then click Attach File.

Search files already included in your Trip in the Documents section under File Attachments, or upload a file from your device.

Once you have attached your file(s), click to expand the file menu. Click the Preview icon to download and view your attachment or the Trash icon to remove the file attachment from the segment.

Deleting a file attachment from within a segment DOES NOT delete the attachment from the overall trip documents.

Navigate to Documents → File Attachments and delete the attachment in this location to remove the attachment from the trip.

In the Web View, a paper clip icon will denote if there is a file to view/download for that segment. The same icon and file name will appear in the mobile app. 

Files can be attached to any Accommodation, Activity, Cruise, Flight, or Transportation segment.
Files added to individual segments will also appear under Documents | File Attachments.

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