Alpine Adventures

Alpine Adventures

To import your Alpine Adventures bookings, simply forward your Alpine Adventures confirmation email to your Trips API email address.

Locate your Trips email API address by clicking on the Menu icon, going to Admin, and then Company. Select the API Email tab.
Only users with the Administrator access level can access the Admin section.
  1. We recommend saving your Company email API address in your address book for easy reference with a name you will easily remember (e.g. Trips email API).

Forward your Alpine Adventures confirmation to your API email address and edit the email subject line as follows:
  1. To create a new Trip: the subject line of your email will be used to generate the Trip name.
  2. To add to an existing Trip: match the email subject line to your existing Trip name to add the booking to the correct Trip.
The tour stops will now appear as segments in your Trip.
For the bookings to map correctly to Trips, the email confirmation must be forwarded from the same email you use for Trips (visible in your My Account section).
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